What Exactly do I need to buy to get started in violin? —Here’s a list!

You need:

A violin outfit that fits you.

That includes the Violin,

the bow,

and the case.

Sometimes those include a cake of Rosin. If not, you do need Rosin.

A shoulder rest that fits the violin, and that is comfortable for you. (Yes! I recommend shoulder rests to 90% of players. Only a rare few people really can play without a shoulder rest, but it just makes sense to make learning the basics as easy and comfortable as possible, right? It’s a small investment that makes a HUGE difference. Most professionals use shoulder rests. I may go into depth on types of shoulder rests and reasons some players use one, more, or none of them in another post later. But save yourself the trouble and just get it.

A music stand. The wire ones are fine.

A beginner method book. I can recommend one to you based on what music experience you have.

A pencil.

That’s it!

For example, if you rent a 1/2 size violin outfit for $20/month, you can get a cake of rosin for $10 or less, a shoulder rest for $20 or less, a music stand for $15 or less, a method book for $12 or less, and a pencil for $2, for a grand total of ~$80.00 up front. Of course there are taxes and etc, and local shops may have higher prices these days. But that’s why I’ve included this info here. Many people assume that violin is too expensive to try because they think it costs much more to begin. But it is really much cheaper than football gear, hockey gear, or even a new bike! So to all the parents out there trying to provide opportunities to their kids, let me know if I can help you get started. Yes, some places are charging a lot more for some items, but you Can get a good start for $80-100. Then it will be $20/ month, plus the cost of a teacher. It’s really in your best interest to get a teacher, so that you can learn quickly and enjoy your instrument much more! It is just SO hard to teach yourself, and it takes an extraordinary kind of person not to give up. A good teacher makes learning fun and progress fast!


How do I tune my/ my kid’s violin?